Miss Havisham's July Appointments
And so we find ourselves together at the beginning of a sweltering July. If you're like me, you've retreated indoors to wait out the sun in your caftan, cooled by a glass of prosecco. Regardless of the rising temperatures, I will in fact agree to leave my air conditioning this month for a few events so here they are.
I'm not much of a patriot, dearies, so I've only mentioned a few Fourth of July events. Should you long for fireworks of epic proportions, I highly recommend you take a look at the following post by the good people at WeLikeLA.com. They seem to know where all the kaboom events are.
Friday, July 1-Sunday, July 3
For a truly overwhelming food experience, look no further than the 626 Night Market. Occurring just four times this summer, this is one of my favorite LA events. Vendors from all over the greater LA area, representing all Asian cuisines, come together to give you a taste of what you can find if you just travel a little inland. Don't miss it. I suggest going early because it gets SLAMMED. It's the largest event of its kind in the country.
July 1-July 4
Apparently there's a flavor of anime for every taste, even the most...unusual. All weekend get your anime on. Don't be fooled into thinking it's all comics. There will be costumes and apparently...a famous pole dancer?
World-famous Japanese artistic pole dancer, momoMc (pronounced “MOMO MAC”)
There are pole dancing clubs? Seeing is believing I suppose.
Saturday, July 2
Atlas Obscura tour: A Hidden Repository of Curious Craft
"Behind an unassuming facade of a nondescript building in Northeast Los Angeles lies MorYork Gallery, a mind-blowing studio chock full of curios crafted from recycled materials. During a visit exclusively arranged for the Los Angeles Obscura Society, we'll enter a portal into another dimension—surrounded by furniture, sculptures, and literal cabinets of curiosities assembled by retired Disney Parks art director Clare Graham. Upon entering, you may wonder whether to focus on the individual objects or the installation of them in aggregate – but at MorYork, you derive whichever experience you desire. "
Well alright then. I've been to this gallery and it's amazing, it's a life goal really.
Saturday, July 2 and Sunday, July 3
"Flash back to an era gone by when the Andrew Sisters, July Garland, Marilyn Monroe and the starts of the 40's entertain the troops with standards that you know and love all played by a jazz hot band. This is a one time event that you won't want to miss..." So get your best 40's dress and slap on some red lipstick.
Saturday, July 2
I don't think I really need to explain this but I will: Corgis. All the corgis. Also? The plural of corgi is either corgis or corgwn says the internet.
Sunday, July 3
Shameless self promotion! West Coast cousin of Brookyn's popular Brooklyn Flea offers you the chance to try all the newest food crazes and shop while you're at it. Come find Miss Havisham's booth and browse our fancy wares. This weekend promises to be lovely.
Photo by Xonvaldez via Instagram
Sunday, July 3
Atlas Obscura Tour: Illuminating the Art of Neon
As usual Atlas Obscura does not disappoint:
"...an exclusive behind the scenes visit to Flektro Studios, where neon artist Michael Flechtner creates both 2D and 3D neon sculptures—some of which are animated, and some of which can be spun around to be viewed upside down or sideways for a completely different perspective. "
Monday, July 4
Reading of It Ended Badly: 13 of the Worst Breakups in History at the Museum of Broken Relationships
I've been curious about this museum and this is my chance and yours to check it out. Everyone else will be barbecuing and watching things blow up but what's more fascinating to watch blow up than a relationship?
Thursday, July 7-Sunday, July 17
Outfest LGBT Film festival looks like a party you don't want to miss. Giving LGBT films and filmmakers a voice, the opening night gala alone looks awesome.
Friday, July 8 and Friday, July 22
I love the Natural History Museum and will seize any excuse to hang out in their garden. Add food trucks and garden themed cocktails and it's a no brainer.
Friday, July 8-Sunday, July 10
There are three possible tiers to this food extravaganza: the general admission market, a private tasting, and a fancypants dinner in the rose garden. All look delish.
Saturday, July 9- Sunday, July 10
Why not celebrate those wacky lotus plants floating in the lake? They're pretty and they're abundant.
Sunday, July 10
The shameless self promotion continues. Miss Havisham's Curiosities is once again at Smorgasburg LA, the west coast cousin of the wildly successful Brooklyn Flea. Come say hellllllooooo. Behold my purdy booth:
Friday, July 15
"WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events."
As if that weren't intriguing enough, they're doing a live radio play version at the Orpheum. If you aren't already listening, perhaps catch up before the 15th!
Saturday, July 16
Atlas Obscura Tour: Journey to Angel’s Gate Lighthouse
Um...I want to see a lighthouse. Sure, let's go. I'll stand at the top craning my neck, searching the sea for mah lost luff, gone near five yayers (That's my Welsh accent).
Sunday, July 17
Come find us at the best new collection of mobile food vendors in the city. There are shops too, like us. Behold Mr. Havisham and his enthusiasm for the world of gothy antiques.
Friday, July 22
"Join us for DAPPER DAY & Jazz at LACMA: Celebrating Reigning Men: Fashion in Menswear on Friday, July 22 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Pack a picnic basket and join us on the lawn—plus dancing, and performances by band Sasha's Bloc...
Reigning Men: Fashion in Menswear, 1715–2015 explores the history of men’s fashionable dress from the eighteenth century to the present and re-examines the all-too-frequent equation of “fashion” with “femininity.”
Just look at this tuxedo that appeared in the LA Times.
Saturday, July 23
"Imagine: journeying from record store to record store surrounded by dozens of your fellow vinyl enthusiasts (and potential new friends!), as you enjoy the sweet sounds of LA singer-songwriter Nico Yaryan crooning blissfully in your ear on an air-conditioned party bus. Now, with the advent of Record Store Crawl, that dream can become a reality. On July 23, board the crawl bus for a full day's worth of music-themed festivities, including swag, discounts, and visits to Amoeba Hollywood, the Record Parlour, Permanent Records, plus a private tour of the iconic Sunset Sound studio in Hollywood."
Friday, July 29
While the official opening day for the public to see his personal collection of creepy art isn't until August 1, the man himself will be speaking to a small group at LACMA.
Saturday, July 30-Sunday, July 31
Midsummer Night's Scream Horror Convention
This new horror convention in Long Beach offers two days of thrills and chills in the middle of summer. Who doesn't want a little Halloween year round? And? Miss Havisham's Curiosities will be there hawking our haunted wares.
Saturday, July 30
"A tropical breeze blows through Hollywood for the American Cinematheque's 12th annual Tiki Night hosted by King Kukulele, who will also perform with his band the Friki Tiki’s. As always we will have vendors, cocktails from the Tonga Hut!, made with DonQ Rum,, food, fashion, movies, dancing and more Tiki entertainment!"
Sunday, July 31
Like soda? Galco's has the largest selection of unusual sodas in LA. Join them for a soda tasting with music and other entertainment--likely children running around with a sugar high. I love people with singular obsessions.
May your sunblock be long lasting and your nights be cool. If you see me at an event, come say hi. I don't bite...often. xoxoxo