
Come have tea.

We showcase decor, travel, and culture for anyone with a darker sensibility. Enjoy.

Photo by Max Gough

The Green Room

The Green Room

This St. Patrick's day, let's turn away from the corned beef and cabbage, the shamrocks and green beer. Let's say no to the excessive drinking, the leprechauns, and whatever other terrible stereotypes we misguided Americans have placed on this Irish holiday and turn our sights to loftier goals. Let's look to the pure color green and welcome it into our homes versus stepping over a puddle of it in the street. There are few things sexier than a green velvet couch as the focus of a room.


The verdant majesty above and many other fine green items were found on Eclectic Avenue.

Apparently Anthropologie loves green velvet as much as I do, look at the four below.

I coveted this green velvet Room and Board Murphy sofa until I remembered I have cats.


Maybe you're lucky enough to come by a vintage one:

Or just hit up Ikea. This one is tempting.


Or you can have a velvet or leather one custom made from Roger and Chris. I love these guys. They are so nice and sent me leather samples and answered all my questions (regarding cats and leather). There is a chesterfield in my future when we move into our (hopefully Victorian) next house. You can also check out their show and as a special bonus, look at their amazing house on Apartment Therapy! I bet they're a blast to hang out with.

If you're ready to take the leap, consider green walls. I love how sophisticated and dark these rooms are.

green walls1

Or old worldly and charming.


Maybe you want a green roof. Warning: They're very heavy, make sure your house can support one.

Or, dream big, how about a copper roof which will acquire a beautiful patina. Your own personal castle? Sigh.


What about a green victorian house?

Or maybe a green greenhouse? Ok. Ok.

At the very least, consider some plants or dishes or even a botanical print.

Want more green inspiration? Get all the luck of the Irish on Miss Havisham's Pinterest page. You'll find minty kitchens, leafy upholstery and beautiful botanical installations.


She Holds the Keys to the Castle: Chatelaines

She Holds the Keys to the Castle: Chatelaines

Gown Hall of Fame

Gown Hall of Fame